This is a post about my band again. Our friend from Noise Park Activies made us a discography cd prior to the recordings we did this spring for the Oppenheimer Limit(Ex-Gumilinski) split and the Bear Records 5 way. He drew a sick picture of us playing and hand painted all the cds. We sold out of all of those on tour. I think that he made more. Before we went on the road we made tapes of the Oppenheimer Limit split because Chucky The Rat never sent us any copies, if there were even any made. We have a few copies of that laying around, but if you want to buy anything you should just talk to Bear Records or Unity Through Harmony. We recently recorded for a 7" with We Were Skeletons which is slated for New Years, and the Bear Records split with Color Chromatic, Pansori, DEERS! and Animal Lover is supposed to be out by the end of November (we made tapes, and the East Coast bands/Bear Records have copies). Below is the split with Oppenheimer Limit and the Doscpgraphie So Far cd, along with a video of us in Missouri. THANKZ CHIRS MOORE. Word

мища / Oppenheimer Limit Split

Discographie So Far
1 comment:
You and your band is amazing! Love it! give me a messege when your tour round europe! Come by Sweden! =)
Mail nerd_mazi@msn.com ( silly name but but)
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