Starting today Germany's Downfall of Gaia and Virginia / D.C's Vestiges are going to be touring the east coast. Later on next year both bands are going to be doing a tour of Europe and I heard they are supposed to be doing a split too. Fuck yes.
Downfall of Gaia is an amazing crust band. Super heavy, kind of dirty, kind of epic, 100% badass. They have a pretty unique sound because they can be really punk and heavy and then flip it and be all melodic and epic and shit. Overall they tend to stay more on the epic side of the spectrum. I can hear alot of post-rock influence in their tracks. I always love it when heavy bands get a little posty. It looks like their songs tend to be kind of long, which is cool.
Vestiges are just straight up heavy as fuck. Kind of doomy, really metal and melodic, Vestiges don't really seem to be too punk, musically, but instead are living comfortably on the melodic side of the whole heaviest thing you have heard spectrum. They have punk parts though. And a good bit of nice semi-atmospheric post-rock parts. This shit is kind of really evil at times. I havn't heard heavy stuff that was this good in a really long time. Very tastefully organized, and the recording quality is superb.
So yeah, seeing as both these bands are going to be hitting the road together I thought I would give them some much needed attention to attempt to assist in promoting their tour(s), not that they need it though. Both groups are fairly popular, and for good reason: they are amazing. I go to school with one of the Vestiges dudes and he is kind of the man. Obviously, that lil flier thing up there at the top are their dates, and for more specific locations you can check their respective websites and stuff. I know the dates are on facebook. Speeking of facebook, if you are around Maryland you should come to their show in Baltimore, it's going to be a good time. The info and stuff is here.
Below is everything both bands have put out, to the best of my knowledge. There might be a Vestiges demo or something, I don't really know, but homeboy just wanted me to throw their two most recent releases up. I'm pretty sure I have all of Downfall's available material. When both of these bands put new stuff out I will be sure to snag em and share em. Go try and catch this tour. Support these guys in any way you can. You can buy both band's material in a slew of places online, but I would suggest you get that shit on tour so they can get that gas money.
----- VESTIGES -----

The Descent of Man

Vestiges / Ghaust

Casa de Diversion Compilation

Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Volume X
----- DOWNFALL OF GAIA -----


Downfall of Gaia / In The Hearts of Emperors


Salvation in Darkness Tour CD-R

Downfall of Gaia / Kazan