Dude, Byron Fischer just got done with his first LP, "Haiymakks". All the other Megan and Amelia recordings are on the blog, so for some fucked up reason you looked over those gems buck the shit up and download them.
Megan & Amelia is the haunting, somber solo project of Ryan from DEERS!/Matsuri (both R.I.P). Everything up to this record was self recorded, but for "Haiymakks" he got Max from John Cota to record him. On a kind of side note, Max has been recording a shit ton of California bands recently and all his work is so fucking good. I don't know where he works or anything but if you want to get recorded real nicely you should holler.
Anyways, back to Megan. The new album is fucking amazing. Six of the most depressing songs I have ever heard. The first song is a ukulele/xylophone lullaby. Number two is crooning, verbed out vocals over layers of electric guitars. "Mountain Mountain" has what sounds like a toy piano drenched in reverb. "Demoing" is my favorite song on the album, but I can't really tell whats going on. A whole lot of something. Cray shit, best shit. Track five is a re-recording of a demo song, but is so much cleaner and prettier, dig the backing vocals and the sleigh-bell. "Haiymakks" ends on a high note with "Fuck Mountain", which has basically a full band. Also, "I'm not a shit friend, I'm not a bad son" is one of the best lines. Period. Who did the gang vocals?
I don't know if there are plans for releasing this album, but, I hope it gets the attention it deserves. I know Ryry wants it to be put out, and I wish him all the luck in the world. Megan & Amelia plays a good bit in the bay, so go check that shit out when you get a chance. I would imagine that the live sets are super dope. Download this shit, buy it when you can. MOOCHXCREW. Word.
This was filmed by Ramez from Calculator.
Double Word.

jackie wanted her fifteen minutes through association
There's something about the link that's broken, I think. It took forever to download, then it said track 3 is a broken file.
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