Alright, so if you are one of the more dedicated fans that both of these bands have acquired, you would already have this album by now. Its been leaked for quite some time. I know if the record is out yet, because I haven't checked the Topshelf web store in a minute, but I can that you can at least get the pre-order (snag it up while you can, FIRST PRESSING BRO).
We Were Skeletons are from Lancaster, PA. There are three people in that band. They have two songs on this release. "No Funeral" is way punk, super bass heavy. Sing along included as well. "Medication" is also more punk than skrimzork. The band's sound seems to be changing, moving away from the melodic hardcore of their full length (which is the fucking jam) and possibly going back to their punk roots? The new shit sounds more like "Summers" than the LP. STILL THE SHIT THOUGH. If you love the WWS boys you should jump on their TUMBLER and get the tracks by Matt (drums) and Justin's (Guitar) side project/claim to fame: ROCK AND ROLL TRUCK. There was talk of putting up either Raf (bass) and Justin's previous band's demo or EP or whatever (Hopalong Cassidy), as well as some of Justin's solo work.
The Saddest Landscape are from Boston and New York, right? Does one of them live in Jersey? I don't know. There are four people in that band. They have one song on this release, called "Shifting My Clarity". This shit is pretty fucking boss. Really intense and hard hitting. The instrumentation is pretty really impressive. Halfway through shit gets all spacey and post rock, bro, right before its all epic and shit. Then, the end, is full of Mike York feedback (He did the WWS song too). I'm not a huge gigantic fan of The Saddest Landscape, but, this song is pretty fucking awesome and I listen to it a good bit. Have they posted their summer tour dates yet, like made em public or whatever? If they did, check them out. If they didnt, well, just wait because its pretty cool.
Yesterday was 4/20, and we hope that all of you had a most excellent holiday. We sure did. Below is the download link to that split, and videos that have nothing to do with the wws/tsl seven inch.
This first video is for us old heads:
This second video is for the baby heads:

The Saddest Landscape / We Were Skeletons Split
fuck i need this split!-steveincoma
"old heads" arent you like in college
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