This is straight from Dawn Treader's Myspace:
We are a diy punk band originally from Maryland.
We have been together since 2001.
We like playing shows and going on tour.
We have a 2 full length albums, a split 7" with fall on deaf years, a split 12" with d'amore, and a live tape.
Coming soon:
We will have a split 7" with TRIFLE TOWER from Ft. Worth Texas and a split LP with NOW DENIAL from Boston Massachusetts.
Download our entire discography through 2009 by going to this link(provided below). Thank you very much to whoever compiled all the songs from the vinyl for us. Let us know if you want hard copies with lyrics and artwork.
Needless to say, Dawn Treader are one of the cornerstones of Maryland punk/hardcore music, no matter how active they choose to be at any given time. Maybe we will all get lucky and they will play a random show sometime soon. I heard once that they planned to play as a ten piece or something, including multiple vocalists and strings. Their music is very driving and in your face, using an obvious punk influence as a framework to explore multiple musical avenues, as is evident by their wide variety of song structures and melodies. No two DT songs sound the same. Dawn Treader is affiliated with Osceola, Army of Kashyyyk, Pansori, The Summer We Went West, Monument and Diablero. There are also other bands I'm sure, sorry if I left anyone out.
Below are all of their tracks that are in circulation, to the best of my knowledge. Instead of having one large zip file, I broke the files up into their respective albums. Please note that I only have the Dawn Treader tracks of the splits, so if anyone has the other bands' songs it would be cool if you threw them up here. They have two solo albums, one being called "Deconstructing the Coffin" and the other is either self titled or is "The Lone Islands". Below it is labeled as "The Lone Islands". Dawn Treader's sides of the D'amore and Fall on Deaf Ears splits are also down there, as well as tracks from an unreleased split that was supposed to be with Towers. The live "album" listed is not the one listed in the above discography, but is actually a live recording of their set from December 8th, 2009 at Barclay House in Baltimore when they played with Raein, 1994!, Army of Kashyyyk and Pala.

The Lone Islands

Deconstructing the Coffin

Songs from D'amore Split

Songs from Fall On Deaf Ears Split

Songs from Towers Split

Live at Barclay 12-8-09
thank you so much for posting this. also be sure to check out Hobis, the Summer we Went West, Omega1ne, Wax & Wane, Dictionaries, and bezouts identity.
Bummer, all the files have been removed from m'fire :(
Is there any way we can see these files again? At least the songs from the splits?
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