The Usual and Migrations are both from our hometown and they recently put together a sweet split. I think its really tight that they worked together because they are the only two bands that I can think of that are from Hagerstown that aren't Christian Metalcore, and they are really cool dudes. Oh, and both of these acts share a drummer.
The Usual is a nice change of pace in the screamo scene. All three of these little babies are still in high school and they have grown into a very respectable group. They have five songs on the split, ranging from a minute to about three and a half. The recording quality of their songs are very lo fi; it sounds like its all live. This is what We Were Skeletons would sound like if they were all seniors in high school in 2010.
Migrations is a post rock band that does the final song on the disc, coming in at just under 13 minutes. The song is epic and dynamic as well as rhythmical. Its nice to hear a hear a post rock band with really long songs that doesn't rely on a shit ton of effects to bridge the gaps between the parts with the entire group.
Like I said before, I've known all these kids for years and have played numerous shows with them and they really are two great bands. They are going on tour this summer and I encourage anyone who lives within 5 hours of Maryland to try to help them with a show. Both those bands are the shit live.

The Usual/Migrations Split