We Were Skeletons are our really good friends from Lancaster PA. Both of our bands have played a billion shows with these dudes. Not only are they really fucking good at playing their instruments, they are more than likely they coolest dudes you will ever meet. We first met these guys at a show in Washington D.C with 1994! and then later asked them to play a show we booked for L'antietam. Their first release entitled "Summers" is pretty darn punk, with a cover of Iron & Wine . They just recently released their sophomore effort(This one has a Fugazi cover), the "Ryan Oatman EP", which has a harder feel to it. More noodles in the guitar work, heavier buildups, and the tape version, which I was lucky enough to make for them, has a track from their upcoming full length. I was sworn to not leak it onto the internet, but let me just say that we here at Chug Life have the unmastered tracks for the full length, and it is without a doubt one of the best screamo albums I have ever heard. Their new songs, which the trio play at their shows along with the Ryan songs, are a mix of Capsule and Kidcrash, with some Off Minor thrown in.
We Were Skeletons have always been a band that we have been meaning to post, but we were told to wait until after Ryan Oatman dropped to put them up. This post would have been made sooner, but, we are pretty forgetful and stuff. Its good that we waited though, because I was informed by bassist Raffy Taffy that there is some site where you can download all the tracks from Ryan Oatman and Summers for free. Here's the good part though: Skeletons get "a piece of ad revenue for each download". So instead of putting up the separate links and the pictures, below is a video of them playing "This Destroy Us" from their upcomming full lenth at Charm City Art Space last year during their tour with 1994 and then the link to their download page.
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Mad Free Songs
i have summers, mad good.
if the new stuff is a mix of capsule, off minor, and kidcrash... that's can't possibly be bad... at all.
I am so proud of these guys, they totally deserve it all.
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