This is the first time I've personally updated the blog for maybe a month or two. I would apologize, but I was spending all that time having fun and making money, so I'll just say that I'll try to be better about updating, I've got a few posts in the works. This is one I've been promising to do for a loooong time, so here it is.
Storm The Bastille features members of Street Smart Cyclist, Boy Problems, Moister, and Harrison Bergeron, and started around the time that Harrison Bergeron was about to break up and Street Smart Cyclist was about to explode onto the scene.
EDIT: John Galm sez:
The first few releases are semi-solid attempts at creating a mid-90's screamo sound. There are hits and there are misses. By the time the Turner Street Conspiracy split was released, STB had found some solid ground to stand on, and produced a record with a more accessibly lo-fi recording quality.
In 2006 Bastille recorded material intended for a 10" release, but never saw the light of day until a 2008 cassette release by Paul of Logs' Sleep Decay Tapes. These 5 songs are my personal favorite; chaotic, heavy, and blistering screamo with frantic drumming that sound like they were made to blow your tape deck up. The record has since seen a release on 10" by Ape Must Not Kill Ape.
The In First Person split is STB as their most evolved and experimental; "Found Comfort In This Fiction" broods and seethes as an acoustic guitar rides the momentum straight into "Suck It Up. Spit It Up.", which sounds like its just destroying your speakers.
These guys went on a short tour with Cassilis not too long ago, released a tape for the tour, and have been playing shows occasionally.
I've had the opportunity to watch them at Barclay House in Baltimore last summer when about 30 people were there, and I caught them at the Model Home in Philly when Suis La Lune rolled through the U.S. They do not disappoint, definitely check out a show. Nice dudes.
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Demo 2005
...And Let the Future Be Told (2005)

Storm the Bastille 7" (2005)

Storm The Bastille/Turner Street Conspiracy Split (2006)

Dismantled (recorded 2006, released 2008)

Storm The Bastille/In First Person Split (2008)

Cassilis/Storm The Bastille Tour Cassette (2009)
thank you for this post. have been looking for much of this stuff for the longest time!
currently writing new songs for a full-length, completely different approach this time. also HARRISON BERGERON reunion june 14th, check myspace for details. oh and thanks for the review man.
thx a lot
Would you mind upping the Cassilis demos, if you have them? They've got them on their myspace but those links don't work.
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