Jesse Washington was a screamo band from Melbourne, Florida.
THAT'S ALL I REALLY KNOW, as far as solid textbook facts are concerned. I can't find shit on these guys. I've only found a few photos, and no videos I'm afraid. All you really need to know is that their music involves sexual references and high pitched yelping. Below is everything they have put out (I think).Rudo, the mastermind behind
Somberlain records was nice enough to hook us up with some information and reviews of Jesse Washington, as well as the Tunes... side of the Jesse Washington/Tunes... split.
Here's a short biography by Rich:
My initial reaction towards jesse washington was one of limited seriousness. Not to say that I thought that they weren't a "real" band, but for some reason, my mind had taken up the idea that they were just some kids being sassy and screaming their heads off (which is rarely a bad thing, mind you). After setting up a few shows for them and recieving a copy of their self released "masscara massacre," I realized that this was so much more than just some kids strutting around being loud - these kids had shit to say, the attitude to back it up and the live show to get you listening closer and, subsequently, addicted. The music, was more super dancy hardcore than I had previously noticed and featured touches of new wave, spats of handclapping, scream-alongs, woo's and other fantastically exciting bits and pieces here and there. Add to all of this a strong diy ethic, a penchant for beautifully handmade packaging (the likes of which most couldn't even imagine, let alone create) and the skills to make friends with damn near everyone in every town of florida. That's jesse washington. They rule."
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Jesse Washington
Mascara Massacre

Tunes For Bears to Dance To/Jesse Washington SplitA review of the split by Rudo:
This is the split that was originally supposed to be put out months ago, and turned out as just a Tunes For Bears To Dance To 7". Unfortunately, things had changed a bit since then. Prior to the final preparations of this record, Jesse Washington called it quits right before a promising USA tour and left us with nothing but four of their most ambitious tracks to date contained on this piece of wax.
Letting go of the more sassy ventures of their earlier days, the tracks on here are fervent and deadly serious. Compared to the likes of Takaru and Reversal Of Man, the songwriting takes upon sharper edge, while still anointed in impassionate screams provided by the two vocalists. While the members continue on in promising bands, the last bit of Jesse washington's legacy is contained on this and it's safe to say it sufficiently let them go out with a bang.
On the other side of this record are two more songs by the ever mutating Tunes For Bears to dance to. Having now completely disposed of the more carefree exhuberations of their demo days, these two tracks deal with deceit - one pertaining to lies through advertisement, and one about George W. Bush. Tunes continue to evolve in the vein of the last record, experimenting with blast beats and unique vocal patterns. Ever dynamic, these two songs serve as a prequel of what's still to come as plans for a full length are composed.
This record was split with my friend Gustavo, who runs Dolores Records. Without him, this record would not have been actualized at all. It's his first release and the covers of his batch of the records are blue.
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