Calculator are a really tight hardcore band from the Los Angeles area I think. Isn't it something like they go to school all over but are from LA? I don't know really, but I think that is correct. This band plays a style of hardcore that is influenced by multiple genres, obviously, and sounds similar to fellow California natives Touche Amore and Comadre, kind of. I mean there are the like harder hard parts, then the pretty parts, and some driving parts here and there. The new shit has a really fucking heavy part. I remember last summer around the 4th of July I booked these guys a show in Maryland and after the show I was smoking a blunt with most of this band and the dudes in Burn Idols when the guitarist of Calculator and I started taking about being in bands and shit. I don't remember the entire conversation but I do remember that he was talking about how the point of being in a band like this is to come up with really intricate music, shit that is challenging to play, and just get the songs on lock-down. Musical progression and shit. I thought that was really cool, and I think about that when I listen to Calculator. I still think that they generally put the vocals up a lil too high in the mix, but thats just me. The instrumentation is fucking boss, and sometimes its hard to really hear that shit, especially if you are using jankity laptop speakers.
So, below are two links for all of their material. There is a link for These Roots Grow Deep, which is a collections LP of all their shit from their past EP's and splits and what not. I think that they have had a shit ton of releases that culminated in These Roots. My friend has this on vinyl and it sounds fucking sick. The other link is for their hot new shit, New Forms. Ramez tells me I'm the firs to get it or to post it up or something, so big ups to Skramez for holding it down.
They are going on tour really soon with The Saddest Landscape up and down the west coast, and all of the combined dates are conveniently placed on this here flier:

There are, however, two additional dates which Calculator will be playing without The Saddest Lanscape. The first being in Olympia, Washington at my house, and the last being somewhere in Los Angeles. All of their detailed show information can be found here.
You should go to their website, which is right here, and buy the preorder for New Forms, which is coming out on Melotov. For real though, Melotov is pumping out the good ass records recently. I mean that label has always ruled, but she is cornering the market on this good ass California music. And, for real, shes a really cool person. Really nice.
Calculator is going to raffle off a test press of New Forms between people who get that pre order, so all you collectors should jump on that shit. I don't know whats good with the head count on Roots, but you should also get that shit before it sells out. They have some other gear, like a shirt and a monster patch, that is pretty wrad.
For real. For real though. Buy their shit online so they have them gas muns. Go see them on tour with The Saddest Landscape west coast kids. You know you want to go to these shows because TSL hasnt been over here in like 7 years or something.
Get them downloads down there, and watch the video down there too. The video is of an unreleased new track, ohhhhhhhhhhh.

New Forms

These Roots Grow Deep
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