I don't really try as hard as I once did to get these hot new albums first and throw them up here, so I let all these other blogs go out and get em for me. There are only so many new records that are coming out that I really give a shit about, so my interest in intensive blog lurking has wained dramatically. Last night in between bong sessions and Magic The Gathering battles I saw that Damian Jozwiak, some jaded kid from Indiana who seemingly spends most his day on the internet and runs a tumblr music blog called Re-Winded Tapes posted up this album. If he had it then I would imagine that he got it from Circling The Drain or something, because that blog seems to be pretty on top of their shit.
Ampere's new full length, Like Shadows, sounds like a continuation of All Our Tomorrows End Today, which arguably was their best release as a whole. They had some preview songs up on soundcloud for a minute and one of those tracks was a second part to a AOTET song, Escapism. This is the first release the band has put out since their split with Off Minor back in '08, so of course this shit is a BIG FUCKING DEAL. It seemed that Ampere took a back seat to Will Killingsworths recording profession and his slew of recent side projects (Weaklings, Failures, Vaccine).
Like Shadows is ridiculously good. I'm serious. Obviously anything this band puts out will be bad-ass, but this is a really solid album, which like the new Beau Navire, does not have any fluff tracks on it. 15 fucking awesome tracks ranging from like 20 seconds to like 2 minutes. I don't really know what else to say about the album. If you like Ampere you already know what you are getting yourself into: no one else sounds like Ampere.
The release for this record is coming up in Easthampton right? Its like in the first half of June I think. They are also playing the You and I reunion in July. I would imagine that Clean Plate is putting out this record, but there might be some other people involved. If you like the fucking record buy it. This is one records that is really worth your money.

Like Shadows
robbie hansen just wants to feel the brushing off my dick against his. bitch
no name dropping on this blog! our secret identities are part of what makes us so awesome.
can someone post lyrics for this. neeeeeed them so bad
you can get the lyrics on a nice lyric booklet that comes with the record when you buy it!
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