Sunday, September 4, 2011


THE FUCKING REIGNING KINGS OF CRUST. If you have never listened to Germany's Alpinist then you are a fucking idiot. This shit is the bomb. Literally. My speakers are exploding with doomy crust goodness, and have been almost all day.

They just did a tour here in America, I don't know for how long or anything but they did it with Masakari for a split LP they recently put out. Homeboys were up here in Olympia at New Direction Fest, but I didn't have twenty buxx. I wanted to get a ride down to where the show was so I could just sit outside and scowl, but I couldn't even get a ride. Disappointment life.

Honestly, for real though, this is crust. All of their albums are a brutal onslaught of punk shit and some of the heaviest shit you have ever heard. Riffs for days and days. And days. Sometimes its almost speed metal, which is awesome as fuck. EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE CRUST/DOOM/HEAVY AS BALLS YOU NEED TO GET THIS SHIT BECAUSE YOU WILL ENJOY THE FUCK OUT OF IT. Remember Tempest, who I posted a while ago? Well, its like that except way more brutal in every way. Again, THE FUCKING KINGS OF CRUST.

Below is everything they have ever put out, technically. They did a compilation album which was the tracks from Lichtlærm and Minus.Mensch, so posting that would be redundant. Got a video down there from their recent tour over here, so check that out as well (half set?). Go pick up as much of their stuff as you can find because these dudes are awesome.




Alpinist / Intoblckmirror European Tour Split

Alpinist / Finisterre



Alpinist / Masakari

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